Monday, November 30, 2020

Science Behind The Effect of Cannabis on Anxiety

 Cannabis is coming out as an excellent medicine in treating several health ailments. Anxiety relief is one of its most common applications. And a research-based study on 5000 cannabis users implied that more than 60 percent of them were using cannabis products for managing their anxiety.

You might remember a session of your cannabis experience as relaxing, pain-relieving, or maybe in some instances hypervigilant or paranoia-inducing.

Perhaps the stigma related to cannabis is due to its latter characteristics. However, scientific research on the effects of cannabis on our brain and body has helped us learn its appropriate usage as a medicine. Through your 420 Evaluations, you can have a closer look at how medical cannabis can help manage your condition.

Though if you are planning to use cannabis for mental health issues especially anxiety, it’s important to understand how it affects our system.
Let's learn why.

How Does Cannabis Produce Its Medicinal Effects?

The effects of cannabis have created a lot of headlines lately in the medical world.

But how does cannabis create its effect?

Well, cannabis ingredients such as THC and CBD interact with our endocannabinoid system and stimulate the neuron activity in our body. The Endocannabinoid system(ECS) is a cell signaling system that helps in maintaining several self-regulating processes such as, mood regulation, motor coordination, functions of the immune system, etc. 

ECS contains enzymes and endocannabinoids which are similar to plant cannabinoids. Sometimes the endocannabinoid levels in our body declines or their working is impaired, which affects the normal functioning of our brain and body.

This is where cannabis and other drugs come into action. Cannabinoids present in cannabis upon interaction with our system help in restoring the normal functioning of our body or assists in maintaining homeostasis.

However, this largely depends on the usage and the cannabinoid profile of the cannabis product you are consuming. 

Dual Nature of Cannabis on Anxiety And Stress Levels

Research on cannabis suggests that CBD helps in reducing stress and anxiety levels by stimulating the serotonin activity in our brain.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is found throughout the body and majorly manages the stress levels, mood, and overall feeling of well being and happiness. The decline in serotonin levels in the body is the major cause of chronic depression and anxiety disorders. And CBD could be helpful in restoring normal brain functions by triggering our serotonin levels.

THC on the other hand has a biphasic effect on our anxiety levels. Several case studies on the effects of THC on our brain tells that low levels of THC help in producing relaxing or good effects through dopamine release. Which could be good for people battling anxiety and depression.

However, high THC doses could worsen anxiety by inhibiting the GABA neurons’ activity in cell signaling. Gaba is a neurotransmitter that inhibits the activity of a neuron to which it is attached and thus helps in maintaining optimal anxiety levels. Inhibiting GABAergic neurons of their normal functioning could increase the overall neural activity which could worsen anxiety

Choosing Cannabis Products For Anxiety Relief

Now that you know, how the cannabinoid profile of your cannabis can affect your anxiety. You must pay close attention to the THC content of your cannabis product while buying.

There are several ways to consume cannabis, though if inhalation is your preferred method it’s a good idea to buy CBD-rich strains such as Charlotte’s web or a balanced CBD: THC strain like Harlequin.
However, smoking isn’t the ideal way to consume cannabis as it also involves the risk of lung damage due to the carcinogens present in the smoke. Many prefer CBD or full spectrum alcohol-based tinctures for managing their anxiety, due to their quick effects and ease of usage.

Name: Santa Clara 420 Healing

Phone No. 669-201-8696

Address: 122 Saratoga Ave, Santa Clara, CA 95051, USA

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